Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday's Truth - St. Patrick was actually Scottish and a 5th Century A.D. Women's Advocate

I know most of you are aware of this. And I hope this will not put a damper on any St. Patrick's activities you may have planned!

What you may not know is that there is strong evidence to suggest he voiced strong opposition to Female Slavery, a widespread practice among the Druids in Ireland during the the 5th Century A.D.

Adamnan of Iona, a student of St. Patrick's tells a story of how his teacher once encountered a Druid and demanded that he release a woman in his captivity. According to legend, ""an angel sent from heaven, striking him severely, has broken in pieces the glass cup which he held in his hand, and from which he was in the act of drinking, and he himself is left half dead. Then he consented to free the Irish girl, and Columba cured him of the wound."

Please enjoy the day we have set aside to honor this important figure in our history. And may the luck of the Irish follow you forever!

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