This is the first in a series of her perspectives on how to live a life of fullness AND ease:
Living a full life can sometimes begin to look more like complication, clutter and managing minutia.
This will eventually begin to rob us of balance and ease and slowly, subsequently, joy and freedom in our lives.
Working with people to distill chaos into practical thought and manageable action is my passion.
When you find that your days are filled with confusion and obligations instead of quality time and experiences it is necessary to take inventory of the various domains that exist around you.
By looking at areas that comprise your world you can distinguish where you are spending your precious energy and time. This will reveal where imbalances exist and allow you to make adjustments and place structures so that you can be conscious and accountable for what you are creating in your life. If you are in balance, energy is fluid and light however, if you are out of balance, it is time for an alignment.
Take stock of the departments of your life and under each domain create a work breakdown structure. Simply put, list the details of each area that comprise the committee in your head that never lets you rest…. your unrequited subconscious chatter….To do list.
· Home
· Career
· Family
· Friends
· Money
· Fitness
· Health and Vitality
· Creativity
· Romance
· Community and Charity
· Beauty and wellness
· Academic
· Etc.
For example:
o Take kids to camp
o Card to Aunt Ruth
o Father’s day gift to dad
o Visit Julie in rehab
This seems simple, but if you don’t have a way to organize thoughts and plan your life, it will eventually take a toll on your well-being. Carry a pad in your car/purse, use a DayTimer or MS Outlook. Once a week sit down and take your inventory and plan the details out or just keep the exercise where you can glance at it from time to time.
Getting to ease and freedom in your thoughts and your life can take a little processing, however, getting the ”conversation” out of your head and onto paper can be a relief in and of itself. People often medicate discomfort in their spirit and lives through a variety of avenues but claritee is just an insight away if you are willing to look inside.
What’s in our lives is what we choose. Choose consciously and powerfully.
Next time ~ setting healthy boundaries!
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